Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Going back in time...


Today we went to Bradford Industrial Museum and I was AMAZED at all the children's FABULOUS costumes!!!

Packed with our Victorian names, flat caps and bonnets we travelled to Bradford full of excitement of the day that awaited us!

We were welcomed by our school master for the day who told us some interesting facts about Victorian schools...we hoped nobody would find themselves in the punishment book today!!!

The children entered the classroom (boys and girls through separate doors) and sat in rows, with their backs straightened and their arms crossed! When hearing their names in the register, the children stood to attention with their arms by their sides.  "Good Morning Master" was heard over, and over and over again!

"All things Bright and Beautiful..." was then sung by everyone...

Next the monitors were chosen and were told that they were repsonsible for handing out the appropriate equipment.  Children remained silent whilst waiting for further instructions!  The children began with a prayer and then recited their times tables.  Slate boards and pens were then used to complete the arithmetic activities.

After that the monitors collected in the equipment and then copy books and pens were handed out.  The children had to carefully use blotting paper to ensure that the ink from their pens did not smudge all over their page! This was a tricky task...and was not successfully completed by everyone!

Using pencils and rulers, the children completed a tricky drawing activity, which involved carefully measuring and accurate drawing.  We then sang "Oh my Darling  Clementine" and the class were dismissed...PHEW!

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